Consulting Services

Metaverse this. Web3 that. Gamified everything. It’s in the news and everyone is talking about it, but what does it mean for you and your team?

We’ve been designing experiences and building products in the immersive space for over a decade and we’re here to help. We offer cutting-edge strategy & innovation consulting covering AR, VR, 3D, projection mapping, character creation, real-time animation, and more. Our first meeting is always free and we can provide ongoing retainer-based services without a project-based contract.

  • What IS the metaverse?

    What does the metaverse mean for business?

    If my business isn’t using VR or AR will we be left behind?

    How can immersive tools like projection mapping take my product or retail launch to the next level?

    How can VR, AR, and other immersive platforms be used for business?

    How are VR, AR, and other immersive technologies applicable to my industry?

  • What are the benefits of VR, AR, and 3D?

    How much does VR, AR, and 3D experiences for business cost?

    What’s the ROI of VR, AR, and other immersive experiences?

    What are my competitors doing with VR, AR, and the metaverse?

    How do I pitch immersive VR and AR projects to my leadership?

    How can AR keep my marketing team ahead of the curve?

  • How do you use AR without an app?

    What’s the most efficient way to build an AR app?

    How can 3D experiences be optimized for mobile web browsers?

    What techniques or resources can help cut costs on 3D projects?

    How does 360 video work?